We’re headed for more record high temperatures in Hawaii this summer. It’s even worse when it’s in the 90s and there are no trade winds!
It almost sounds like a cliche with air conditioning shops, roofing companies and ceiling fan companies preaching that you can “beat the summer heat.” Well, at T&T Tinting you truly can and it’s more affordable than you may think. For a typical home with 150 square feet of glass, T&T can tint your home for around $975. That’s one time! No recurring monthly high electricity bills from your air conditioning use.
Call T&T Tinting and have Vista Window Film installed on your windows and cut out up to 79 percent of the sun’s heat entering through the glass. Vista Window Film also cuts virtually all the sun’s damaging UV rays — up to 99.9 percent and reduces fading on your hardwood floors, carpets, draperies, furniture and artwork. You’ll also get a huge reduction in glare making for HD quality views, and if you do have an air conditioner, you’ll cut energy costs because you won’t have to blast it on high when you get home. Instead, you could start using a fan, and that will save you money. You’ll also love the transferable lifetime warranty.
It can be transferred to the next owner of your home if you decide to sell, which will add value to your home.
Besides a great staff that has a combined 250 years of experience and a company-wide focus on customer service, T&T is partnered with the biggest window film manufacturer in the world. They simply have the best products, including many that are exclusive on Oahu to T&T.
T&T Tinting has two locations: 3035 Koapaka St. or on Kawaiahao Street near Ala Moana. Call 275-4565. Visit tnttinting.com and see photos and videos for more details. If you get an online estimate you’ll get 10 percent off!
CONTACT 275-4565
WEB tnttinting.com
Eastman Executives Clint Patrick, darrell reed, Travis Smith and other LLumar Dealers honor T&T Tinting’s Tommy & Teri Silva for their 35th Anniversary at the 2018 LlumarSelectPro Elite Dealer Conference in San Diego.
Listen Here:
Hawaii Money Resource hosted by Marko Mijuskovic with guest Tommy Silva owner of T & T Tinting.